Thursday, December 20, 2012

G is for Gratitude

There is so much for myself and others to be grateful for, but to many times we look at our desires instead of our blessing.  I have been so grateful for getting a second chance ( and a third, and fourth and so on) that I started think how so many of us (especially me) take so much for granted.
A few days ago, not far from where I live there was a massacre that took 27 people, inuding 20 children.  This has shaken all of us, but it also stopped many to be thankful for the simple things.  I am grateful to have a house and a bed to lay my head on at the end of the day. I am grateful that when so many search for jobs, I continue to have one.  I am thankful for my children who are healthy and able to care for themselves.  Yes, I am very grateful that I have found a strength to remain sober and live a life of clarity.  I know that everything happens for a reason, the good and the bad.  I must look at everything as an opportunity to grow, stretch and become who I really want to be.  While unpleasant times got me to this place, I am grateful to have been blessed with a reason to see that only good can come from it.  Sometimes stretching, growing and cutting off the dead wood that stunts our growth and steals our energy is painful. However I am grateful to be going through this process that is healing me. I am grateful for the many blessings in my life!

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