Sunday, February 1, 2009

Crap Day... TGFTG (thank God for the gym)

While today was mostly a weepy day for me, I am glad I went to the gym!
I got to workout and feel good about it!
I had an incident today that really brought me down in the dumps.
I did my best to "do the right thing" even though I am not sure what that is anymore.

I am confused and unsure what "kind" of person I am.
Although I hope I am open, fair, non judgemental, and accepting.,.. days like today I wonder, even who I am.
Si while at the gym, where I focused on me, my trainer and my gym buddy, I found laughter and joy.......
I am sorry every other part of the day I din not feel the same why.


Anonymous said...

me thinks we're going to have to have a luncheon playdate this week. will be at westport ave on weds, mtg weds night too. let me know what you're up to this week.


Francine said...

Hey Sweetie! I have to go out of town wed... but i am thinking I need a mental health day SOON!