Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A is For Awareness

I have been in a spiral down fall for so long I almost lost myself.
I am fortunate today, because of AWARENESS!
Everyone has a defect or 2.... a flaw of some sort that can be improved on, but not everyone actually knows what their flaw might be.  I am BLESSED to have had it pointed out by several, and my flaw has became so huge I had no choice but to look at it and INTO IT.  This is where the word awareness has come to be my new strength!
How lucky am I to know what my flaw is!  So many people in this world have no idea what their flaw is and therefore can not work on correcting it, but I DO!!! and I can finally work on correcting it, or at least knowing I have this flaw that might never go away (as its part of me) however, I can learn to work around it, and make it shink.  What is my flaw you ask?  Why I am an alcoholic.
hard to say? no not really..... hard to admit to myself.... it has been.... Shameful.... well, it was and can be, but I am willing to deal with my flaw, and correct its effects... similar to the way a diabetic would watch their blood sugar.
I am finally taking action over a disease I let run my life for a few years.... and I am AWARE of what effects it has not only on me, but EVERYONE I love!
I am aware I need to do this for me.... and I am, I am taking my life back.....
but I am also doing it for everyone that I have hurt with my actions.  I let this disease control a big portion of my life... but now that I am aware of how I was allowing it to take everything from me, I have decided to get help and take back control.
I am aware of many things since I reached out for help.  I am aware that I alone am like a string, easily unwound and can break in a snap.  However with help and support from others who have gone before me, that string can be intertwined with others to become a cable that is strong enough to pull me to most enriching places I thought I might never see again.
So with AWARENESS... and a lot of help from my group that supports me, I know I can regain my life, focus and continue the journey of my life.
To all who believed I could do it before I was even aware of the depths of my issues.... I truly THANK YOU and LOVE YOU!
Yes, I was in a downward spiral, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and my awareness illuminates it!